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Peggy Cowling, APN, CNS, RN

Peggy Cowling, APN, CNS, RN, is an Advanced Practice Nurse/Clinical Nurse Specialist with experience in neonatal intensive care, labor and delivery, and motherbaby for over 30 years. Peggy Cowling graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with her MSN in Maternal Child Nursing. She is certified by the National Certification Corporation in Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Inpatient Obstetrics, and Childbirth Education and remains an active member of AWHONN, AORN, and ANA.

Peggy has accumulated a wealth of knowledge throughout her career, including such responsibilities as: serving as an ED nurse to triage patients when outpatients exceed deliveries, lactation services, teaching baby care to families, and the very unfortunate times when special support is required for families following perinatal loss.

Additionally, she has many years of scrub and circulating experience which includes training new staff members to their role in the operating room competency evaluation, as well as managing supply and equipment purchases. OB surgery has been a favorite area of practice for her. As such, she looks forward to sharing her related surgical and obstetrical expertise with you throughout this engaging day!

As a respected and requested presenter, she has organized training events for a large hospital system, co-hosted a national conference on mother-baby nursing, and has spoken at national conferences on support and care of the mother undergoing critical care.


Financial: Peggy Cowling is a clinical nurse specialist in the area of maternal child nursing. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Nonfinancial: Peggy Cowling has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.

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