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Randy Griffin, RN, MS, HNC

Randy L. Griffin is a nationally-recognized expert in dementia care. Her versatile career spans over 30 years and includes nursing, nutritional services, program development, health care administration, and delivering training programs to care-givers across the country. Randy is pioneering the practice of "intentional care-giving" for people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Her approach goes beyond treating symptoms, focusing on the whole person within a culture rich with emotional nourishment and support from families and caregivers. Randy holds certifications as a Holistic Nurse, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner and Reflexologist.

Randy developed "The Trusting Touch," a web-based program that teaches the importance of intentional actions and verbal communications during activities such as bathing, toileting, dressing and dental care. She is the author of S.A.F.E. Response Techniques in Crisis Situations, a four-step process to show staff how to safely manage agitation and aggressive behaviors when caring for people with dementia. Randy also created one of the first sensory-enhanced puree cuisine culinary programs for terminally ill individuals and authored the first published cookbook on sensory-enhanced puree formation. "Dining with Grace" is a program she created specifically to enhance the dining experience for people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

Randy lectures, leads workshops and provides consulting services to health care facilities nationwide.


Financial: Randy Griffin is receiving a fee for speaking at this educational activity. She also receives royalties for the web based program "The Trusting Touch", in addition to the "SAFE Response Techniques in Crisis Situations" text that she has authored and the Dining with Grace cookbook. She also receives royalties for her newest book Changing the Culture for Alzheimer's Care.

Nonfinancial: Randy Griffin has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

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