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Sheree Loftus, PhD, MSN, GNP-BC, CRRN

Neurology Department

Sheree Loftus, PhD, MSN, GNP-BC, CRRN, has worked with high-risk fall populations for over 25 years, with a special concentration caring for Parkinson’s patients. Clinically, she has worked in ambulatory care, hospitals, nursing homes and in physical rehabilitation centers. Currently, Sheree works in the neurology department at the Beth Israel Medical Center Phillips Ambulatory Care Center.

She is educated as a nurse scientist and acts as a principal investigator for her own fall-related research. She is certified in physical rehabilitation nursing, and remains a geriatric nurse practitioner. She successfully completed doctoral and post-doctoral work on fall prevention. She has numerous publications for professionals and patients on fall prevention to her credit. Sheree’s expertise has been sought to provide numerous presentations surrounding the topic of fall prevention. Her keen insights in this specialty area have allowed for certification recognition in Interdisciplinary Parkinson Team Training through the National Parkinson Foundation. Additionally, her commitment to her specialty is recognized through a variety of actively-held memberships, including: the Movement Disorder Society, International Society for Aging and Physical Activity, Nurse Practitioners of New York, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Association of Rehabilitation Nurses and the Gerontological Society of America.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Sheree Loftus has an employment relationship with Beth Israel Mount Sinai Neurology. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-Financial: Sheree Loftus has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.



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