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Venita Lovelace-Chandler, PT, PhD, PCS

Venita Lovelace-Chandler has practiced in pediatrics for 43 years and as an ABPTS certified pediatric specialist for over 25 years. She was a professor until 2014 and taught pediatrics at the professional and post-professional educational levels at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, the University of Central Arkansas, Chapman University, and Texas Woman's University. She has conducted continuing education for the APTA, and she has a chapter on muscle testing for infants and children in Reese's Muscle and Sensory Testing, second edition and an electronic chapter on screening for referral in the Campbell's Physical Therapy for Children. She has provided pediatric expertise to the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, the APTA's Annual Conference Program Committee, and the APTA's Move Forward site. She had a featured discussion on Down syndrome on Move Forward Radio. She has been elected to offices of the Pediatrics, Education, and Oncology sections and the Texas Chapter. She received the Pediatrics Section Thirty-Year Award for Service and was named as the recipient of APTA's 2011 Linda Crane Memorial Lecture. She remains clinically active.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Venita Lovelace-Chandler is Vice-Chair and Professor, Department of Physical Therapy at the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center. She is a Faculty member at Rocky Mountain University for Health Professions. Dr. Lovelace-Chandler receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Venita Lovelace-Chandler is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). She serves as secretary for the Texas Physical Therapy Chapter of the APTA.

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