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Wen Ling, PT, PhD

Wen Ling, PT, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Physical Therapy in the Department of New York University and the Chairperson of the Department. After obtaining her entry-level physical therapy education from National Taiwan University, Dr. Ling received her PhD in Pathokinesiology from New York University. In addition to her teaching, she currently performs research regarding such topics as evaluating gait deviations and movement changes under differing conditions (e.g. pregnant women, women carrying materials of various weights, and children with cerebral palsy). In honor of her dedication to physical therapy education and her tireless efforts to promote diversity, Dr. Ling was selected for inclusion in the 2003 Academic Keys of Who's Who in Education and received the American Physical Therapy Association's Diversity 2000 and Beyond Award.

Dr. Ling’s areas of expertise are in physical therapy examination and intervention for patients with neuromuscular disorders, clinical and advanced measurement methods for individuals with movement disorders, and research design and methods. In collaboration with her colleagues, Dr. Ling recently published the research article, Temporal relationship between trunk and thigh contributes to balance control in load carriage walking, in the journal Gait and Posture. Among many publications, she also authored the published text Neuro Notes: Clinical Pocket Guide (FA Davis, 2009), a handy pocket guide, complete with neurological examination techniques, standardized tests, differential diagnoses, medical red flags, radiological/imaging techniques, and medications for patients with common neuromuscular disorders.

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