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Business Skills for Nurse Practitioners: Unleashing Your Entrepreneurial Spirit
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Unlock the full potential of your journey into entrepreneurship! The current business landscape presents an exciting opportunity for NP Entrepreneurs (NPE) to kickstart their ventures. However, the key to turning this opportunity into success lies in enhancing your business acumen. Our training recognizes the need for a transformative approach. As you embark on the path to business ownership, equip yourself with the essential skills to not only navigate but thrive. Can you identify your risk potential? Imagine seizing the reins of your destiny as your own boss. Join us for a session that goes beyond the conventional, guiding you to evaluate your readiness for risks, unravel challenges faced by NPEs at the outset, and discover empowering tools that pave the way for your entrepreneurial triumph. It's time to take that exhilarating leap into a future where your business dreams become a reality!

Dr. Lynn M Rapsilber, DNP, ANP-BC, FAANP, NP Business Consultants,LLC

Lynn Rapsilber DNP ANP-BC FAANP, is a GI NP caring for patients with a variety of GI conditions and runs the Hepatitis C clinic in her office. She is a Co-founder of the National Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneur Network, a member service organization supporting NP start-up with resources and seasoned NP business owners with education, training and support to NP business owners. She has been teaching coding and reimbursement to APRNs for over 20 years. She has spoken at the local, state and national level disseminating valuable expertise in coding and billing for APRN services. She can make this difficult topic easy to understand. Lynn is the current Co-chair of the CT Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses, Past President of CTAPRNs. She is active in health policy issues including the recent removal of the written collaborative agreement for APRN practice in CT. She was the recipient of the Agnes Ohlson Diamond Jubilee award in recognition of her service to nurses in the political arena by the Connecticut Nurses Association. While a DNP student at Quinnipiac University, Lynn received the Benjamin and Juliette Trewin award for Professional Leadership in Nursing and recently received the Quinnipiac Transformational Nurse Leader Alumni Award. She is a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and serves on the Health Policy Committee and is the Health Policy Chair.

Speaker Disclosures

Financial: Lynn Rapsilber is the owner of Owner NP Business Consultants, LLC. and NP Wellness Care, LLC. She is the CEO of National Nurse Practitioner Network and has employment relationships with Quinnipiac School, Yale School, and the University of Connecticut. Lynn Rapsilber receives a speaking honorarium and consulting fee from Gilead. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. All financial relationships with ineligible organizations have been mitigated.

Non-financial: Lynn Rapsilber is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the American Nurses Association, and the Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society.



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