Myofascial Therapy: Program Design to Promote Flexibility & Function Across the Lifespan
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Improve your patients’ quality of life by incorporating myofascial therapy into rehab. Gain breakthrough evidence-based techniques that you can use to achieve improved flexibility and function with video demonstrations and interventions you can apply immediately. This session will teach you how to transform activity limitations and promote function across the lifespan.
Dr. Theresa Schmidt is an orthopedic physical therapy specialist and massage therapist integrating traditional and alternative medicine with emphasis on manual therapy, precision exercise, wellness, Reiki, hypnosis, and mindfulness. She presented for NASA/Inomedic, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt Med, Wake Med, and professional associations. She received her doctorate at UNE and served as faculty at Touro PT Programs and CUNY Queens Colleges in NY. She is a published author, Expert Consultant, Reiki Master Instructor, and hypnotherapist in private practice at Educise® in New Hampshire.
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