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Showing 100 entries.
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2703 - Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Created: 10/07/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2704 - Soulbriety: Soul Centered Healing From Addiction and Trauma

Created: 10/07/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2707 - Young Adults & the Addictive Cycle: What Lies Beneath

Created: 10/07/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2709 - Navigating Racialized Trauma in the Context of Addictions

Created: 10/08/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2716 - Neurocritical Care Medication Update

Created: 09/28/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2717 - How Attention Works, Why It Fails, & How To Train It

Created: 09/26/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2718 - Culturally Affirming Practices for Whole Person Treatment

Created: 12/13/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2720 - De-escalation Techniques: Protecting Yourself and Others

Created: 12/13/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2728 - ACEs and Trauma in Students: Identification and Reponses

Created: 12/14/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2731 - Military Sexual Trauma: How to Heal in the Face of Betrayal

Created: 11/14/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2732 - Eating Disorders in Military Populations: Trauma and the Tape

Created: 11/14/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2740 - Nourishing the Older Adult: Challenges and Controversies

Created: 09/29/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2741 - Pharmacology in the Older Adult

Created: 09/29/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2743 - Differentiating Dementia and Developing a Management Plan

Created: 09/30/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2744 - Improve Your Influence and Impact in the Geriatric Industry

Created: 09/30/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2746 - Young Adults with ADHD: Navigating Academia and Adulting

Created: 08/26/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2751 - Anchored: A Polyvagal Guide to Navigating Challenging Times

Created: 11/21/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2753 - Glorious Me: Recapturing and Savouring Beautiful Emotions

Created: 11/21/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2754 - Integrating Difficult Emotions with Acceptance and Commitment

Created: 11/21/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2756 - The River Beneath: Embodied Emotions towards Trauma Resolution

Created: 11/21/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2758 - Emotion Regulation and Cognitively Impaired Clients

Created: 11/22/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2759 - Emotional Recognition Practices: Our body is our tool

Created: 11/22/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2760 - Emotions in this time of climate change

Created: 11/22/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2761 - Regulating the nervous system – brakes and accelerators

Created: 11/22/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2766 - Rethinking Running Rehab

Created: 07/01/2022
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2774 - ADHD 2.0: Shifting the Narrative from Deficits to Strengths

Created: 10/10/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2785 - Cardiac Output Manipulations for Hemodynamic Stability

Created: 11/09/2022
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2788 - ADHD, Neurodiversity, and Clinical Practice

Created: 11/10/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2794 - Rebuilding Trust in ADHD-Impacted Relationships

Created: 11/11/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2798 - Working with perpetrator-imitating parts

Created: 11/10/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2799 - Healing the incest wound

Created: 11/02/2022
Price: $69.99 - Standard

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