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Daphne Hewson, Ph.D

Daphne (Daf) Hewson is a Sydney/Alice Springs psychologist who is committed to reflective supervision as the key to maintaining professional standards and sustaining health professionals in the demands of their coal-face work. She has a background as an academic (training clinical and counselling psychologists and Indigenous Health Workers) and a practitioner (specialising in working with adult survivors of childhood trauma). She teaches reflective supervision around Australia and internationally, and recently co-authored ‘Reflective Practice in Supervision’ with Michael Carroll. Daf established the Reflective Practice workshops and has acted as trainer and mentor to Janet and Mark since the 1990s.


Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Dr. Daphne Hewson maintains a private practice. She receives royalties as a published author and receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She is a speaker for non-government organizations and government agencies in Australia and New Zealand and receives compensation. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Dr. Daphne Hewson has no relevant non-financial relationships.


Products 1 through 1 out of 1

Reflective Practice and Feedback in Supervision

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Daphne Hewson, Ph.D
2 Hours 57 Minutes
Aug 29, 2021
Product Code:
Media Type:
Online Course
$199.99 Normal Price: Standard - $499.99


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