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Jennifer Hutton, PT, DPT

Dr. Jennifer Hutton is a pediatric physical therapist practicing in Nashville, TN. She graduated from Loma Linda University with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2008. Jennifer has extensive experience treating children 0-19 who are developmentally delayed, and those with neurological and orthopedic diagnoses, both congenital and acquired. While the world reminds children with special needs of their limitations, she believes they are all capable of the impossible and helps them see that their special gifts will help them be their best selves.

Jennifer serves on the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt’s Tri My Best Triathlon Committee. This event is designed specifically for children with special needs in which a typically developing child is paired with a participant with special needs and they compete as a team. She also enjoys volunteering for other organizations that cater to children with special needs.

In 2018 Jennifer became an instructor for RockTape which sparked a passion for teaching others. She is currently working on her own educational content for pediatric movement specialists.

Jennifer believes that her work includes helping children reach their fullest potential inside the clinic, and being an ally for children in the community.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Jennifer Hutton has an employment relationship with Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Jennifer Hutton has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

Products 1 through 1 out of 1

Pediatric Kinesiology Taping Practitioner Certification

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Jennifer Hutton, PT, DPT
6 Hours
Aug 22, 2019
Product Code:
Media Type:
DVD - Also available: Online Course
$199.99 - Standard


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