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Showing 100 entries.
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802 - Palliative Wound Care

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

803 - Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Prevention and Management

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

804 - Nutrition and Wound Healing

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

805 - Advanced Wound Therapies

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

806 - Atypical Ulcers: Diagnosis and Management

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

807 - Wound Hygiene Manual

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

808 - Biofilm and Wound Infection

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

809 - Wound Debridement

Created: 06/19/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

811 - Integrative Somatic Psychotherapy Master Class

Step-by-step embodied healing with Abi Blakeslee and special guest Peter Levine

Price: $299.99 Normal Price: Standard - $619.97

812 - 3-Day: Vestibular Rehabilitation Intensive Training Course

Created: 06/12/2023
Price: $599.99 - Standard

813 - Gabor Maté on Treating Trauma, Stress, and Addictions

Price: $329.99 Normal Price: Standard - $679.94

814 - Testifying Under Oath - Trials and Depositions

Created: 06/08/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

815 - Certified Autism Clinical Specialist Intensive Training

A Complete Guide to Building Resilience, Self-Regulation, Relationships & More!

Price: $299.99 Normal Price: Standard - $1,209.83

817 - Coach Approach for Healthcare Professionals

Created: 06/06/2023
Price: $169.99 - Standard

822 - Demonstrative Evidence & Neuroimaging in Medicolegal Cases

Created: 06/01/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

826 - Perinatal OB Care Certificate Course

Strategies for High-Risk Birth Situations and Breastfeeding Success

Price: $299.99 Normal Price: Standard - $2,409.80

836 - Mitigating Legal Risk in Wound Care

Created: 05/26/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

838 - Stronger Together

Paths to Flourishing in Consensually Non-Monogamous People

Created: 05/25/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

839 - Fluid Sexuality and Gay Men

Created: 05/25/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

840 - Contextualising DBT, CBT and CFT for LGBTQ+ People

Created: 05/25/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

841 - Debunking the Safety Myth

A New Framework for Healing Amidst Uncertainty

Created: 05/25/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

842 - Reclaiming 2SQT+ (Two-spirit, Queer and Trans) Thriving and Liberation

An Intersectional, Anti-racist and Radical Love Approach

Created: 05/24/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

843 - Seeing Ourselves Alongside (not Beyond) Our LGBTQ+ Clients

Clinically Self-Aware Frameworks for Inclusivity

Created: 05/24/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

844 - LGBTQ+ Youth

Clinical Skills for the Current Legal/Political Climate

Created: 05/24/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

845 - Disability, Gender and Sexuality

Created: 05/24/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

847 - Treating Narcissism in Relationships: Empathic Confrontation

Created: 05/23/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

848 - Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment of the Shoulder Complex

Created: 05/22/2023
Price: $249.99 - Standard

850 - The Frontiers of Trauma Treatment

Created: 05/20/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

852 - Basic Clinical Science

Created: 05/19/2023
Price: $169.99 - Standard

853 - Innovative Treatments

Created: 05/19/2023
Price: $199.99 - Standard

859 - Keynote: Starving to Heal

Created: 05/18/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

863 - Mastering Geriatric Care

Dementia Treatments, Geropharmacology, Challenging Behaviors, Emergency Interventions, & Herbal Therapeutics

Price: $199.99 Normal Price: Standard - $549.99

865 - IFS and Addictions

Created: 05/18/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

866 - Psychological Trauma Underlying Mental Processes

Created: 05/18/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

867 - The Basic Concepts and Practice of Psychodrama and Sociometrics

Created: 05/17/2023
Price: $249.99 - Standard

869 - Pediatric Pharmacology: ADHD Management

Created: 05/17/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

870 - Nutrition and Cardiovascular Mortality

Created: 05/16/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

873 - Behavior Change and Making Habits Stick

Created: 05/16/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

874 - Intersection of Nutrition and Fitness

Created: 05/15/2023
Price: $169.99 - Standard

875 - Sleep: The True Fix-All of Health & Human Performance

Created: 05/15/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

876 - The Effect of Nutrition on Hormones in Men

Created: 05/15/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

878 - Managing COPD in Primary Care

Yes, You Can!

Created: 05/12/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

879 - Primary Care Dermatology for the Non Dermatology Provider

Created: 05/12/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

880 - Can’t Miss Diagnoses in Primary Care

Created: 05/12/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

881 - Immunizations in Primary Care

Making a Difference

Created: 05/12/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

882 - Integrating Lifestyle Medicine into Primary Care

Created: 05/11/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

883 - Managing Chronic Liver Disease in Primary Care

Created: 05/11/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

884 - Reflux & Heartburn with a Retroflex of Health and Wellness

Created: 05/11/2023
Price: $129.99 - Standard

885 - Asthma Interventions

The GINA Guidelines

Created: 05/11/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

897 - Culturally Sensitive Approaches to Play Therapy

Created: 05/10/2023
Price: $69.99 - Standard

898 - Pediatric Pain

Created: 05/05/2023
Price: $249.99 - Standard

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